Taking preventative steps to avoid injury is far better than trying to mend the problem afterward. In many cases, a few common-sense practices can go a long way. Keep at least one first-aid kit in your home and one in your car. Store your kits someplace easy to get to and out of the reach of young children. Make sure children old enough to understand the purpose of the kits know where they're stored.
You can buy an empty first-aid kit and assemble your own based on your activities and needs. A basic first-aid kit includes a sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, thermometer, manual suction, gauze Bandage, cravat, compressed gauze, medicinal gauze pieces, emergency blanket, adhesive tape, medicinal gloves, alcohol cotton, Iodine cotton swabs.
This empty medical backpack is available for various regions: playground, outdoor activities places, construction sites, steamship, wharf, coast, ambulance, policlinic, and hospitals.